We ask all users to follow these simple rules:
Treat your host's home as if it were your own.
Respect the standard house rules established by the host.
Basic rules details
Cleaning: the accommodation must be returned in a state that does not require excessive or deep cleaning (for example, do not leave dishes with moldy food residue, dirty carpets, stains caused by pets, etc.). The cleaning costs established by the hosts, in fact, only cover ordinary cleaning between one booking and another.
Waste: rubbish must be disposed of in the appropriate containers, paying attention to excessive amounts of rubbish.
Damage: Where guests cause damage that goes beyond normal wear and tear, we expect them to notify the host as soon as possible and work with the host to find a reasonable solution. If responsible for damages, missing items, or unexpected cleaning fees, guests are responsible for paying reasonable claims.
Authorized guests: Travelers must respect the maximum number of people that can be accommodated per stay. Any questions regarding visitor rules can be asked directly to the host. In any case we prohibit gatherings that cause disturbance.
Check-in time: it is important to respect the indicated check-in window. Check-in before or after this time is not permitted without prior approval from the host.
Check-out times: Check-out must be completed, including return of keys, by the time indicated on your Airbnb reservation. Furthermore, it is not permitted to leave personal belongings inside the accommodation beyond this time limit without prior authorization from the host.
Smoking: Smoking is not permitted inside the accommodation.
Authorization relating to pets: it is not permitted to bring pets into accommodations where this is expressly prohibited by the house rules or without prior communication to the host. Nor is it allowed to bring with you a greater number of animals than indicated. Please note: Service animals are not considered pets.
Noise: Guests are asked to respect established quiet hours and not disturb the neighborhood with excessive noise (loud music, shouting, slamming doors, etc.).
Commercial Films and Photography: Guests are asked not to participate in films or photo shoots intended for commercial or for-profit purposes, without documented permission from the host.